Monday, January 06, 2014


December @ the Library

Chambers County Library System - December report

Total circulation:  225,035
Total database logons:  11,073
Program attendance:  14,479
Public computer logons:  24,713
Wireless logons:  4,523
Walk-in traffic:  140,555

One of the most popular questions asked by the public seems to always be, “Are people still checking out print books?”.  The answer is always a resounding “YES!”.  Our eBook/audiobook circulation continues to rise each month, and so does our print circulation.  In 2013, print circulation went up 5% from 2012.  Overdrive, our free audiobook/eBook downloadable service, had a 27% increase over last year’s numbers.  We’ve held several programs to get the public more familiar with Overdrive, so stay tuned for the next one, or just stop or call the library for help. 


Our program attendance was also up from 2012, and our overall circulation continues to climb.  I could not be more proud of this library system, the staff, and our wonderful public who continue to see the library as the best use of taxpayer’s money. 


We try our best to provide the best possible electronic content for our public, and one of our database resources that we provide (for free) to the public is called TexShare.  TexShare provides exclusive databases in areas of science, health, business, history and literature.  Plus homework help for students elementary through college.  The cost for Chambers County is $576, but broken down by vendor and without help from the state library, it would cost us $59,031.  A huge savings to the county, and a wonderful resource for the public. 

Some highlights of 2013 include:


·         Our highest circulation ever for the annual Summer Reading Program – 36,702!

·         Library received grant towards the purchase of 2 Early Literacy Station computers

·         Library received grant to digitize The Age newspapers

·         Assistant County Librarian, Annie Vass joined the team

·         Over $2,500 made in Friends of the library book sales

·         City of Mont Belvieu bond passes to help fund new library for the West Side

·         Library System partners with United Way to offer after school tutoring


Children’s programs in December mean Christmas, and along with singing, stories, and crafts, jolly old St. Nick showed up a couple of times as well. Our programs are geared for the elementary school-aged crowd, while our weekly story hours focus on preschoolers. The kids had a great time this year. Kudos to all of our children’s programming people for their work in planning the programs.

The Friends of the Chambers County Library System held their annual December book sale at Anahuac and Mont Belvieu.  Just over $1,200 was raised with the profits going to ongoing library programs.  The book sale offers books, movies, and magazines for less than $1 each.  Not a bad profit for a few days’ work!

We also received a nice surprise from our friends at the Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge.  A donation was made to purchase books for the library on ecology, estuaries, marshes and related topics.  The library appreciates the continued support from the refuge.

And finally, throughout the year we keep statistics on the number of books checked out, walk-in traffic, program counts, database usage, and much more.  It’s all part of our efforts to maintain standards as they are set by the Texas State Library.  The standards include requirements in administration, collection, facility, finance, marketing, personnel, service, and technology.  The purpose of these standards is to promote quality library service, raise expectations of library clientele, and provide some official documentation to Commissioners’ court and potential funders who support the library.  Chambers County has always exceeded the minimum required standards and we hope our service to the public is representative of that. 

Until next month!
Winnie teens enjoy their field trip to see Catching Fire

County Librarian, Valerie Jensen accepts a donation from incoming Friends of the Anahuac Refuge Treasurer, Rose Bolt

Mont Belvieu staff pose with Santa at the after school Christmas party

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