Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Edible Books!
April 1 may be April Fool’s Day, but in Chambers County Library System terms, it’s the day for the local version of the International Edible Book Festival! Our nearly annual event (last year April 1 was on Sunday) is sponsored by the Friends of the Library, and our entries this year featured a wide and wild variety of thought and execution of items that had some connection to books, and which were, in the end, edible. Staff member Melba Prinz, in her first year of work and her first entry to the competition, ran off with the Vox Populi award with her “A Man, A Can, A Plan” entry, a take-off on a man’s cookbook. We have such fun with these events, and appreciate the Friends for sponsoring them for us. The public enjoys it too, of course, but the staff just can’t wait to see what the next person brings in. It’s part joke, part genius, and all pleasure.
National Library Week, and the Texas Library Association Conference at Dallas occurred simultaneously this year. Assistant County Librarian Valerie Jensen attended, and she had a variety of duties in her committee work with the state as regards Young Adults. In addition to the announcement that the Chambers County Library System picked up three Texas Book Festival grants (one for each branch!), Valerie was recognized for her work this past year in the Young Adult field. And library page Ashli Pingry, and Teen Board member Maritza Hernandez both attended on special scholarships from TLA; they spoke at programs relating to teen activities in the library and helped authors at the vendor areas during autograph sessions. Chambers County was well represented this year.
Movie attendance at the West Chambers Branch, Mont Belvieu continues to prove that the gas price increases are only going to make local event programming more popular. Mont Belvieu is the only one with a regularly scheduled monthly feature film program; the other two branches use the film copyright permissions in other programming venues, and anyway you look at it, having this copyright license as part of our package to provide service to the public has been a great incentive for folks to come to the libraries to take advantage of all the services we offer.
National Library Week, and the Texas Library Association Conference at Dallas occurred simultaneously this year. Assistant County Librarian Valerie Jensen attended, and she had a variety of duties in her committee work with the state as regards Young Adults. In addition to the announcement that the Chambers County Library System picked up three Texas Book Festival grants (one for each branch!), Valerie was recognized for her work this past year in the Young Adult field. And library page Ashli Pingry, and Teen Board member Maritza Hernandez both attended on special scholarships from TLA; they spoke at programs relating to teen activities in the library and helped authors at the vendor areas during autograph sessions. Chambers County was well represented this year.
Movie attendance at the West Chambers Branch, Mont Belvieu continues to prove that the gas price increases are only going to make local event programming more popular. Mont Belvieu is the only one with a regularly scheduled monthly feature film program; the other two branches use the film copyright permissions in other programming venues, and anyway you look at it, having this copyright license as part of our package to provide service to the public has been a great incentive for folks to come to the libraries to take advantage of all the services we offer.