Tuesday, October 03, 2006


September At CCLS

Autumn did not arrive with any discernable change in the temperature, but there was a definite upswing in activity at the three Chambers County Libraries. Children’s programming has long a been a tradition in the libraries, but the recent staff changes have resulted in new people handling programs at Mont Belvieu and Anahuac, and a restructuring of the program at Winnie. These staff members met twice this month at Anahuac, to swap ideas, get some insight from the old hands, and to find out just what treasures lurk in our craft supply corner. Winnie has developed a charming story hour corner in the big meeting room. Mont Belvieu’s programming has come on like gang busters, and included visits to day cares as well as in-house programs. Anahuac’s programs begin the first week of October, and we pray for comparable success in reaching the parents of the little ones, who must bring the children to the library for any of our efforts to be successful. Great games are afoot!

Adults were treated at all three sites to a Scrapbooking Workshop this month. Local scrapbook expert Maridee Trahan of Winnie taught everyone how to develop a page using a variety of tools and accessories.

GatorFest attendees got to see the library YA gang, along with Valerie Jensen, at the booth in the Education Tent this year. It was a very well-attended event, and Valerie was pleased with the results. AISD held an open house at the high school on the 18th, and Valerie set up a “Napoleon Dynamite” display that attracted a lot of attention. The AISD Superintendent has also asked me to serve on her “Key Communicators” committee for the coming year, and that group met on the 19th.

I had an interesting experience this month: for two separate days, I assisted with the Houston Area Library System interview process for a new consultant. I was the official “member library” representative, and we interviewed people not only in person, but by video conference. The strictures placed on the City of Houston for such interviews were a challenge in themselves, but the panel doing the job were thorough, and a candidate has been selected to assist all of HALS, as well as Chambers County Library System, to improve our Texas library services

Lee College Educational Opportunity Center held an advisory board meeting on the 19th, and then director Jane Brody paid a site visit on the 26th, during Victoria Southworth’s regularly scheduled session. We are investigating hosting a GED prep class, paid for by EOC grant funds, this coming spring.

Staff members Valerie Jensen and Kathy Fielding, along with HALS Lay Representative Theresa C. Miller and Alternate Lay Rep Lise Olesen, attended the Fall System Meeting for HALS on the 13th in Bellaire. Kathy was recognized for completing the State Library sponsosred Small Library Management Training program, and Valerie was introduced for her work in beginning a Young Adult listserve for the HALS member libraries.

You all do a wonderful job. I wish to thank Valarie for the wonderful job she did of introducing my reluctant 3rd grader to reading. Her suggestions were right on target. Thank you,
Brandi, Mont Belvieu and Anahuac library user
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