Thursday, November 04, 2010
Read all about it!

Over 18,000 items checked out, 38 programs for adults, teens and kids and 13,944 patrons walked through the doors. Just another typical month at the library! October always brings a lineup of several Halloween-related events. The staff provided theme programs for the pre-schoolers and after-schoolers at each library and a lock-in for the teens was held at the Anahuac library; all were a huge success! Branch Librarian, Scott Crawford held a Basic Research Paper workshop with a few attendees eager to learn the basics in this hands-on program. Local author Lesa Boutin shared her writing craft with the "tween" age crowd with a creative and fun workshop for all the little budding writers. And Missy Parham and April Malone, the newest employees of the library system have jumped right into the kids programming with some very impressive programs for the little ones.
Staff involvement outside the library included County Librarian A. Lynette Parsons, Assistant County Librarian Valerie Jensen, and Lay Representative Lise Oleson attending the Fall System Meeting at the new library facility in Dayton. The System meeting is an important meeting for librarians to hear the latest reports and issues from State Library personnel. Assistant County Librarian Valerie Jensen presented a webinar for the State Library on “Teen Programs that Work” with over 600 librarians in attendance. These webinars are open to people across the country and using the latest technology, it allows people to “attend” as they would in a regular hands-on workshop.
The Chambers County Library in Anahuac has recently opened a Job Center featuring a private study room equipped with a computer set up for job seekers with resume making software, basic computer skills programs to supplement the monthly in-house computer class, job hunting and unemployment websites, along with websites of some major local employers. The Job Center also includes a collection of books geared to the job seeker and current flyers and publications to assist patrons in their quest to find a job or build existing job skills. We encourage you to stop by and take a look.
The library system dealt with a small appeal this month involving the Federal E-rate program. As a result, our yearly discount went from $2,114.69 to $4,697.46.
Teen Read Week is a national event held in mid-October, and this year’s theme was “Books with Beat @ Your Library”. The libraries featured displays and programs related to this year’s theme by voting on their favorite book on the Young Adult Library Services website. The winner was Catching Fire, by Suzanne Collins. Other programs featured a Glee movie watching marathon.
And as always, we look forward to another busy month as we go into the holiday season.